Common Dreams


Dreams are like virtual reality augmented by the brain. The brain augments common and extraordinary dreams that can be remembered a lifetime - mean to say they make dreams memorable and watchable again and give reality a beautiful augmentation or experience.

Dream visuals are virtual and sort of make it a reality when in deep sleep, sometimes these good experiences are soothing to eyes. It can bring in peace with nature like when we dream of beautiful flower beds rows with one color (light violet) or multiple colors, water flowing towards us is sometimes scary but a waterfall next to these flower beds at a distance seems amazing, right? 

And how about seeing blue and black butterflies of more than 10 sitting on your right hand and a group of swans at a distance in the clouds like floating in water. Wouldn’t they be lovely for the eyes in our dream?   

Other virtual reality dreams are seeing the sky at night and watching stars fall, golden zodiac signs floating at sky length, watching it from your house roof top, nice to hear such dreams right. Watch the moon with a rooster at mid night or watch the moon in different crescent forms growing during the eclipse time and notice on newspaper the next day evening while walking back on a busy road. See, dreams do turn to reality sometimes.

Common dreams can be like seeing animals, a lion enjoying its majestic walk on an empty land acting like it hasn’t notice you. A set of dogs in a different place of houses with less people. Elephants chasing you or 9 mini elephants in a tiny cage or a baby elephants’ picture on a ray of light (sun rays) yet you are able to touch the elephant in the ray. A bull chasing you on your roof top in mid-day light and you are escaping but not panting, beauty of dreams you are running but not panting.

Sitting on stairs and moving done one step at a time, flying but at regular height level not in the sky….…driving a car, bicycle and discovering bumpy, new streets and neat empty highways where you can notice the horizon.

Suddenly on a big ship and taking a ride on water, they are bits and pieces or reels that don’t have continuity but are in sequences, that seem so real in a dream but in reality, it would be we are searching for ways in life.

Virtual reality dream is like a parallel world to our 
reality, don’t you think so? We dream of teeth falling off and in reality also they do fall but the interpretation of the dream is different from reality. 

Losing slippers or finding a new pair, losing gold 
earnings or finding them back. It would have a whole lot of different meaning when in a dream when compared to a reality. It’s not about just watching it, it’s more of analyzing it and transforming the visuals to words and finding recommendations to be followed in your life. Try it, it might work. You are only listening to yourself, who wouldn’t want to listen to self. They are just subtle message you are giving your own self. 

Then we have dreams of our childhood houses or places we grow up during our childhood days and we also dream of houses crashing to floods to wars and aliens to flying saucers to helicopters landing…. hard to believe but yes, we see known and unknown living and dead people. We also see marriage, divorce of friends or yourself and visiting holy places and there are times when you see the same holy places in reality too. There are direct connotations of the reality visible in your virtual world. May sound strange for some, but I feel a lot have experienced such dreams.

There are more common dreams that everyone embraces like food, who wouldn’t dream of sweets, biryani, buffets unlimited food dreams one has. 

That’s for now, wait for my next post, till then keep embracing your dreams and listening to yourself!!


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