Book Published ★ HanuMan MAGICAL STORIES FOR KIDGEN - 3 (Series Book 3) on AMAZONKINDLE

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Book Title
: HanuMan MAGICAL STORIES FOR KIDGEN - 3 (Series Book 3)
Subtitle: Journey to the 7 chosen Wonders of Earth 

Description: This book contains a magical fictional story of Lord Hanuman as a child collecting diamond-shaped crystals, with his duck friend from 7 chosen breathtaking-to-historical-to-marvelous-to-mystical-to-ancient-to-mysterious-to-fictional-to fairy-tale earth wonders to create rainbow sand which helps in revitalizing earth.

Author: By Contemporary_9

Genre: Fantasy | New Adult | Coming-of-age | Picture book | Science Fiction | Short Story | Young adult | Fiction | Action and adventure |

Additional: Picture Book + Story Book for KidGen

Available on #amazonkindle for FREE DOWNLOAD from 21 Dec - 25 Dec 2021

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Chapter 1 covers World Travel Interest of the little girl and her parents who travel frequently and what experiential benefits they have gained traveling to beautiful lustrous nature places on earth.

Chapter 2 covers The NEW invention created by her father, a 3D home screen which is used as a live projector to project 7 hologram visuals of the chosen earth wonders or locations by the little girl.

Chapter 3 covers HanuMan’s adventure begins with Ancient Egypt from visiting the Alexandria library-to-taking a horse carriage-to-riding on a camel-to-visiting the famous 3 Pyramids, Sphinx, secret doorways, and the Pharaohs and Queen Cleopatra with the eternal life symbol they carry.

Chapter 4 covers the Magical and Mysterious Shambhala from the clandestine pathways-to-sages’ supernatural powers-to-myth animals-to-talking lotuses to-flying human sages and space white travel globes*-to-spaceships-to-celestial beings-to-shining flowers-to- golden age period and much…much more...

Chapter 5 covers Child HanuMan’s scientific and spiritual experience with the divine number 9 of the Marvelous Lotus Temple having 9 ponds, 9 entrances which are formed by marble lotus petals leading to discoveries of the inner self; how just very few yet significant 9 DNA rainbow-colored strands can help to live on earth holding some supernatural powers and the 9 treasures HanuMan was already blessed with.

Chapter 6 covers Child HanuMan renting a glass dome room to watch the Luscious Northern Lights, Aurora Borealis with his duck friend while laying on a comfortable bed. Then playing with the fairies in the Luscious Green Aurora dancing Lights and getting invited to a Fairyland to see the Fairies Houses which he promises to visit.

Chapter 7 covers HanuMan catching a glance of the sun god helping to bring the jewel up at the center of the Mayan Pyramid at El Castillo.

Chapter 8 covers About the crystal that breaks its bonds or clutches from the machine type technology; which is an invisible equipment that elevates from the soil from the center of the Roman Amphitheater, Colosseum. This invisible machine-made equipment can be viewed by HanuMan since he holds supernatural powers.

Chapter 9 covers About discovering 2 pieces of one crystal in 2 different fairy houses, when brought together joins forces and luminates the actual color and power of the crystal, which no one was aware of since it was skipped by a generation passing it on to their kinfolk’s in Yangtian Lake grassland fairyland consisting of fairy houses.

Chapter 10 describes the talented belle and her father make a hologram visual of 7 floating islands in the air for child HanuMan to find the last crystal in the puzzle and place the 7 diamond-shaped crystals on the 7 floating islands for the sand to form 7 different colors of the crystals and how HanuMan meets the little girl and family via hologram network.

HanuMan collects the 7 different colored soil in a wooden box along with the crystals to place at the center of the earth – Shambhala; to create the rainbow soil and spread across the 7 chosen wonder to the entire earth soil to revitalize.

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3 Formats available on both #Amazon & #Goodreads - Kindle E-Book | Paperback Book | Hardcover Book |

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More in the Series is in progress...Stay Here for other book releases

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